Industrialized societies are built around autopsy based science, but you need to be licensed to sell, or you will be made the villain for everybody else. 


"This is the preserved tongue, windpipe, heart, and lungs of 6 month old child that choked to death on a marble



"a mixture of gallstones, teeth, wet specimen and a mystery human part"



But note that under certain circumstances trafficking in body parts can be illegal, even in the United States. 


~This page is a placeholder for now, more details will be added when the project starts~

The website has tried to encourage bureaucrats in Utah, as well as federaltards, to give Esar Met a fair trial.

So far it has had no success, so it will aim a little lower, something easier. Trying to get the various bureaucrats involved in this case to return the organs and other body parts which were removed and not buried with the victim.

Many of the body parts have been disposed of, without telling the family, but some should still be findable. In cabinets, offices, on shelves. Trophies to remind bureaucrats of a time when they had power.


The Brainfind Project is expected to start in a few months, depending on available finances. This page will give details once it starts. 


"Our revolutionary iSpecimen Marketplace changes this, connecting you with researchers who need access to your patients or specimens—and providing your institution with a sustainable revenue source." 



Q Should the state of Utah investigate to find out what happened to the girl's brain and heart?

Actually it's pretty common in the United States for organs to be removed during autopsy, and then discarded as medical waste.

In this case though, it's likely some of the organs were kept. The medical examiner admits he preserved the brain in formaldehyde, something which would not have been necessary for a one day examination. Various other organs were also removed, and the skin was peeled off part of the body and either discarded or saved as a 'souvenir'.

The state's position seems to be that as long as nobody mentions it to the family then there is no problem, but it would be a basic courtesy to look for the various body parts that did not make it to the funeral, and return them to the family for burial. 

Additional clips may be added later involving skin and other parts.

Q Is there any reason to believe the brain, heart or other organs are still recoverable?

Actually there is.

Here is a brief sequential timeline and explanation.

First) The body was found.

Second) The false confession was publicized. The media reported that a suspect had confessed which, in Utah, makes a trial very unlikely.

Third) The autopsy was performed.

When the autopsy was done, those in the room were reasonably sure there would not be a trial. Until at least 2010 in fact there was a certainty among everybody involved that there would be no trial. It wasn't until 2013 that a trial became very likely.

Why is this important?

The medical examiner prepared an elaborate PowerPoint presentation for the jurors with the help of the prosecutor. Notice that he included a photo of the pickled brain in a jar and said the photo was taken "a number of days" after the autopsy. Clip819aa above. Note the inflection too in his voice when he says 'number of days', he wants to step up to the next quantifier i.e., weeks or months, but that would raise questions so he uses an inflection instead.

First, he would not have preserved the brain in a bottle of formaldehyde in order to 'show edema in the brain' several days after the autopsy.

Second, he would not have photographed it several days later. He was a very busy man at the time, the photograph was probably taken in 2013 when he was preparing the PowerPoint with the prosecutor.

There are a lot of organs like that on shelves in peoples' houses, in laboratories etc.

Evidently he or one of his colleagues kept the brain, either at workplace or home, as a souvenir. Other organs may have been preserved similarly. The only way to find the victim's organs in this case would be to DNA test the various hearts, brains, livers etc in jars at those locations.

Q/ What resources are expected to be used in this project?

A/ Initial spend will probably be around $50,000.

Q/ Is the project going to be centered in Utah?

A/ Initially yes, only in Utah. This kind of thing is normal all across the United States but the project is simply meant to give officials involved in one case the opportunity to correct some of their mistakes.

Q/ How long will the Brainfind Project be operational?

A/ Until either Esar Met gets a fair trial, or all the organs are found and returned.

Q/ Will Brainfind Project create any jobs?

A/ Yes, a number of people will be deputized and authorized to conduct interviews with any of the people involved in either the false conviction or the organ stealing. Those people will receive a one time contract payment along with performance bonuses. The pay schedule will be posted shortly before the project starts. There will be two tiers initially. Tier one will be for 'anybody involved in the case' and tier two will be those individuals who had more extensive involvement, including the two people who kicked down the door, the two people who conducted the interview and their backroom friends, as well as all supervisory personnel in all of the agencies involved in the case. There will be an initial payment for the interview and bonuses for each media outlet which plays the interview.

Q/ Why do melting pots keep body parts? Is it because they need to do scientific work for the legal case?

A/ Removing organs from a body is an important psychological tool which has been common from early human history up to the present day. The more 'melting potted' a culture is the more prevalent. It is generally done to 'outside groups' which are not fully assimilated, and is a symbolic 'capturing' of the most important parts of the group which are to be assimilated. For example the heart or brain often represent spiritual aspects of the group which have not been fully assimilated.

Autopsies provide a 'justifiable' context i.e., an excuse or explanation which prevents resistance because it is mandated by police, which are generally one step lower than the military in the eyes of a semi conquered group. In many cases, including this one, the actual autopsy results are ignored so the conclusions can be tailored to suit the prosecution. There are also many cases where the information gathered at an autopsy is used properly, but even in the vast majority of those cases an external exam provides more than enough information.

Although 'body parts' generally have had significance to conquerors since prehistory, a change occurred in some societies starting in roughly the Middle Ages with the emphasis on rational functions as part of the promotion of a narrow interpretation of 'science'. Trying to limit something in a broad domain, like science, to rational thought is an easy way to profit quickly, give the appearance of 'winning', but this creates longer term problems. 

This change centuries ago was an intuitive attempt to eliminate what could not be controlled in conquered societies which had been partially assimilated.

Irrational functions serve an important function as a balance to rational functions, but when you mix people of different cultures the irrational functions are not communicated the same way and cause a seeming slowing of the communication of sciences. It's sort of like if you remove the brakes from your car you will get better gas mileage, but lose other things until the car has no value.

One of the things lost with the sacrifice of irrational functions involved the part that bodies, and potentially body parts, plays in a society.

Q/ The father of the victim testified that the mother of the victim became mentally ill after the funeral and was unable to function for an extended period. How will the brain search affect the family?

A/ That is one more reason police should not fakesolve cases, and medical professionals should not cooperate in such schemes. The family will benefit from a proper resolution of the case, with the proper identification of the killer, and recovery of the brain and any other organs which are still intact.


Organ removal happens in melting pots around the world, though it is more common in the United States.

Homogenous societies do not do this, of course, it is a feature only of melting pots.


Here are some examples from various countries


"In most cases, relatives of the deceased can also stipulate that the organs be returned to the body for burial, if they so choose. 


""But the discovery that their son’s body and skull had been stuffed with newspaper before burial added a horrific new dimension to their anguish and further fueled their skepticism of the official findings."

"“We have been let down again,” his father, Kenneth Johnson, told CNN. “When we buried Kendrick, we thought we were burying Kendrick, not half of Kendrick.”" 


"Yet by the time a coroner’s investigator was able to examine Jinde’s 70-pound body, the bones from her legs and arms were gone. Also missing were large patches of skin from her back. With permission from county officials and saying they did not know of the abuse allegations, employees from OneLegacy, a Southern California human tissue procurement company, had gained access to the body, taking parts that could have provided crucial evidence." 


"But they are suspicious because when Palmer’s body was returned to them, his throat, heart and brain were missing. 


"Medical examiners don’t have to return to families all organs from autopsied bodies or even tell them parts are missing, the state’s highest court ruled Wednesday."

"The case involves a New York City couple who buried their 17-year-old son after a 2005 car crash, not knowing his brain had been removed. Two months after the funeral, Jesse Shipley’s high school class saw his brain in a labeled jar during a morgue field trip. 


""The parents said they realised the organs were missing when the corpse was taken to the Medical University of Hannover, where the second autopsy was conducted in the hope that it could shed some light on the cause of death." "

""The only organs found inside Mr Mansholt’s corpse were his left kidney, the diaphragm, the spleen and the large intestine, they said." " 


"They secretly had a new autopsy done - revealing bruises, broken ribs and many of his vital organs missing. 


""Worse, when the family asked the police to return Bree’s missing organs, it took days for the police to reply and when they finally did, the family was told to secure a court order first before the police could return the organs."