
"The researchers involved in Unit 731 were secretly given immunity by the United States in exchange for the data they gathered through human experimentation." 


This page will look at the way Japan reacted to the post WW2 world, which resulted in the conquerors imposing a foreign worldview on some of their people, and the significance of their current return to a 'new' nationalist path.

The argument is framed alongside a more detailed discussion of the 'Western' effort to hijack psychology by enforcing public stupidity regarding certain things, including lithium.

Some background is on the Colonial Psychiatry page and the links at the bottom of this page.


Some essential concepts are numbered first so they can be referred to briefly e.g. 'see item 1', and also to provide some context.

1) The Japanese, and most island populations around the world, have historically a frontier mentality. They are generally willing to take bigger chances, pay bigger prices etc than continental groups. They also have consequently developed certain recovery paths, ways to regroup their tradition after setbacks, that are not easily recognizable by outsiders. Aspects of 'the frontier mentality' as it applies to Japan can be inferred from Jung's study of Temenos and other sources.

2) The ongoing rapid decline of Britain is connected to the resurgence of Japan, not in a causative way, but each is the most highly 'internationalized' Western and Eastern frontier power respectively. The shift from 'West to East' is most easily viewed looking at Britain's decline and Japan's new rise. Both have basic powerful sections of society which strongly seek return to something represented by a monarchy but Japan is in a better position to have a positive outcome from that influence.

3) There is abundant evidence that the shift from analytical psychology to pharmacological psychiatry was part of a broader project which has not yet been made public. Although many related programs have been exposed, such as the MK programs, these have been presented to the public as local or 'tactical' projects, MKUltra supposedly was intended to assist with local interrogations for example. Unpublicized so far, but clearly a major factor in the post WW2 world at a strategic level, was this shift away from analytical psychology, which allowed globalization to occur in a certain way, and which was the result of efforts by the same group of people involved in the MK projects. 

4) A person should first have some sense of the German concept of Weltanschauungskrieg to understand this immense psywar undertaken using pharmaceutical psychiatry by the 'allies' post WW2, and how its effects were meant to influence countries like Japan. 

5) In German it is common to form compound words to create a new concept, and Weltanschauungskrieg is an example of that. New concepts or words always have an implicit question about their etymology or origin. When you hear a new word, and somebody explains the meaning, there is some curiosity, whether conscious or not, as to the concepts origin. This German tendency adds some 'instant history and credibility' to the concept regardless its meaning or what a person may believe about it. So, whereas in German the phrase is helpful to anybody interested in understanding it, English variations are generally not.

6) After WW2 the 'allies', notably Britain, the U.S. and Australia, started a longterm Weltanschaungskrieg operation, along the lines of what the Nazis had been doing. Again, a person must have some understanding of the term to see what was being done, and still is being done.

7) In Japan the concept of 'hikikomori' is seen from two distinct angles. Older people who are part of Japan's martial tradition will instinctively recognize it as a necessary regrouping of a part of society. Outsiders will see it as a phenomenon similar to various less common tendencies in other countries e.g. hermits, cat ladies etc. Those who recognize it as 'something else' will refer to it as 'a distinctly Japanese phenomenon', as is done for example in British people who are aware of both the ongoing 'world view war' involving analytical psychology vs pharma psychiatry will of course be most unsettled by the Japanese regrouping, as a person can see from that video. Note that at the end of the video the British reporter pays polite respect to traditional natural ways people regroup. He does not wish the Japanese well, clearly, but his education is good enough that he follows basic rules of civilized conduct.

8) Note in the documentary that the speaker is deviously trying to create a history of therapeutic oral lithium. Lithium has been used as a salt in bathing water for thousands of years, long before it was known as an element. During the 19th century there were many snake oil salesmen who were like semi doctors. You can pick literally any chemical available in the 19th century and find 'doctors' who tried to sell it as a cure for something. The hijacking of lithium, its promotion as an oral medication to give instant credibility to pharma psychiatry, included conjuring a pseudo history for oral lithium while suppressing lithium's real medicinal use i.e., topical or in bathing water. It was a clever maneuver at the time, hijacking the nutrient lithium, but the perpetrators did not anticipate the internet and the erosion of the power of Britain's former colonies on developing nations.

Imagine if they had also chosen to hijack Vitamin B12, which was not isolated until 1948. Pharmapsychiatry would then have two substances which, if controlled, could induce 'mental illness' in most of the population. Of course that would further give credibility to the highly profitable bizarre designer molecules used to hide 'mental health' symptoms and empower pharmapsychiatrists as global arbiters of mental health.

It's important to recognize that the speaker in that video was not part of the project. He is an example of the second stage or step in developing a world view war. A credible expert who had some vulnerability or need which the Weltanschauungskrieg designers could control. Jung would have recognized his weakness, his malleability, but of course the whole point of the project was to steer people away from analytical psychology, to make Jung's opinions, for example, irrelevant. That professor got academic power, authority, and other unknown perks for joining a group who he trusted as genuine scientists. If he had lived long enough he would have renounced the people who used him to divert psychology.

Notice also in that video, the reference at about 32 minutes to the use of lithium salt as a substitute for sodium chloride in high blood pressure. See links below. Lithium has a long and important history, as a nutrient absorbed through the skin at lithium springs for example. The oral use of lithium for anything is silly and begs examination.

9) The deliberate misdirection of lithium research towards 'psychiatric' oral lithium use has had a vast negative effect on many lives.

Speculation / The evidence seems to indicate that long term lithium deficiency has lasting effects like any long term mineral deficiency. The long term lack of any nutrient will leave behind some organic damage at some point. The restriction of lithium to oral prescriptions by psychiatrists, in other words forcing a population susceptible to lithium deficiency to only consume a toxic form, and suppressing the use of lithium baths, has almost certainly increased the number of 'lithium deficient syndrome people', which is the proper term for many 'mentally ill' people. In other words many people classified as 'mentally ill' are simply showing the long term effects, in some cases irreversible, of lithium deficiency in their previous years.

There is very strong anecdotal evidence for this. People who have been prescribed lithium fall into two broad categories, a) those who recoil at the toxic effects, or otherwise do not notice a change, and b) those who consider it a very effective 'medicine'. The latter group generally are 'healthier' and appear as having less 'organic' evidence of 'mental illness'.

Simply doing proper research on lithium, something impossible currently because of the 'political correctness' in academic research, would have a major effect on millions of people.

Most people avoid wondering if they need lithium because it is portrayed as a psychiatric drug rather than as an essential element like calcium, magnesium, potassium etc.

This is an example of a line of study which simple facts encourage, but which the pharma psych mentality prevents. A successful study of those two categories of 'mentally ill' would directly contradict one of the basic tenets of pharma psychiatry, and very few researchers can bring themselves to contemplate pharma psychiatry as a deliberate massive mistake, much less experiment in that direction.







 ~  and by the same author, and 

A long documentary that gives some interesting facts 

Another long documentary with relevant interviews, including Noam Chomsky There are at least two sides to every issue, but most U.S. citizens are not aware of any of them.