
"Europa The Last Battle" is a documentary that gives a suppressed view of European history leading up to WW2. 

There have always been small groups of people, mainly Jews, who blamed Zionists for the holocaust, with the supposed motive being some sort of agreement Zionists had with other European powers.

This documentary does not provide any new worldview, it is a rehash of common European themes, but it does give additional historical material that lets a person construct an accurate worldview which weaves European history into one thread.

1) What are commonly called "Jews" in the context of European politics are not actually 'collective Jews'. They are people who have some Jewish aspect in their background which they use to draw in other related Jews to create a 'beast' or gang.

2) The German concept of Lebensraum, similar to Jung's Temenos, is probably the most important concept to accurately see what is developing. Germans had a simplistic view of space which was then described more accurately by Jung. 

3) Although Freud is usually called a student of psychopathology, the real net effect of his new science was similar to Buddhism in Asia i.e., an amalgam that created a worldview which let several cultures overlap, and would have been useful in Germany. Jung then continued that science, broadening it perhaps to Switzerland and looking further. The suppression of that science, as a calculated political strategy by the UK, would need to be looked at to understand how Europe will develop.

4) A modern psychological strategy to control people or groups involves preventing privacy, denying individuals ands groups 'lebensraum', or more accurately 'Temenos', for example through things like the surveillance state. Polluting the Temenos of an individual or group is becoming more normalized as a state strategy, and in modern times can be more or less traced to the alliance between an unknown European group which hijacked 'Judaism', and the UK.

5) This strategy has many other facets, including making use of developmental aspects of groups and individuals.

6) Jung was very polite and generous to a British journalist who lacked Jung's sense of integrity. 

Notice at 19:40 the two polite mentions of 'indiscretion'. Jung has built his personality from the ground up, and has a healthy hierarchy of values. The British interviewer is more a vulture looking for food. An analogy in every day life would be to compare the journalist to people who see discretion as trying to resolve things through backroom deals. That approach is an attempt to imitate the solid ground Jung is on, but it is based entirely on using the power of a group to empower an individual who then is 'able' to solve an issue. The British journalist is representing 'law enforcement' and Jung is politely playing whackamole with the journalist's stabs.

It's likely that journalist was connected however indirectly to the UK's careful manipulation of psychology described on another page.


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