
Pages on the left menu are not updated/maintained.

This 2007 website was my first attempt at making a website and was made as part of a grievance against a drug rehab and detox where I worked. 

The detox unit closed and has since reopened.


The last version of pages from that website will be added to the left menu on this page. The original website had no names except of supervisors and above, but they will be changed to pseudonyms so there will be no real names on the copied site, including supervisors. The only exception will be obituaries.

This page will only provide overlapping information between that old site and this site and explain things that might not be clear.


The Salvation Army is highly skilled at extracting funding. 


One part Native client at Clitheroe had just gotten out of prison. He had been convicted of killing his girlfriend, but the case was obviously an example of the common practice in that area of charging Natives and mixed blood people excessively. A fire had started in a cabin where he and his girlfriend were drunk, if I recall the details correctly. Nobody suspected he had deliberately killed her nor that he set the fire, but he got a short time in prison. A white person in that town would not have been charged with anything under the same circumstances

Another ridiculous example from that town can be found down the page at 

This client spent his time at Clitheroe rebuilding a sort of totem pole in front of the facility. I have no idea if it's still there. The totem pole had probably been built years ago but fallen into rough shape.

He was also in a Youtube video. 

And was featured in a Marijuana confiscation project. 

That last one is kind of funny. For many years there were a core group of white people who controlled marijuana in that town with the full knowledge of law enforcement. They never had any worries about getting their marijuana stolen by authorities and going to jail. Anybody with mixed Native or full Native blood is not safe under those authorities though.

Notice it was troopers who arrested him too. There has been a strange group of troopers and federal agents, at least since the 1990s, who have operated under 'drug task force' type names, but whose purpose seems to be to target 'problem Natives', i.e., Natives who have sovereignty tendencies. These 'task forces' are mentioned elsewhere on the website and might get their own page if I can find more information.

Here is the last article on him. 


 An interesting thing about this employer is that they fabricated a lot of things when they wanted to fire me, and there are interesting similarities in that regard to the Esar Met case. There were lots of legitimate complaints they might have had against me, I didn't really enjoy the job and mainly took it because I thought I would get medical benefits, but the actual things they fired me for were largely fabricated.

There was one incident which I believe was the root reason for the firing. Anybody who has stayed at homeless facilities or used charity services knows there are two kinds of service, a) simple, and b) "sing for your food'.

In detox a preacher would come by regularly to preach, and it was clear part of my job was herding people into his sermon.

One day a client said something like "This is state funded so you can't make us sing for our food". I said something like "You're right. You are free to listen to him preach, but you don't have to if you don't want to". The preacher came by detox a little confused and I told people they were welcome to listen to him preach if they wanted to. The last contact with him was him coming into detox fuming mad because nobody went to listen. I told him that anybody who wanted to listen to him preach was free to, and he was also free to listen to anybody in detox preaching, if there was anybody who wanted to, and if he felt like listening. The last dealing with him he was so angry and vicious I knew he was going to do something. Although that incident was never mentioned on paper, it probably was the root cause of my job insecurity there.


A secondary similar example involved a girl who was screaming about committing suicide. I put a note on the door of the "mental health specialist" who did intake assessments, asking if he would speak with her. The next morning he told me she was a bad girl who was going to prison where she belonged. He and another employee stood with one in front of me and one in back of me, like pretend gangsters getting ready to jump somebody. I remember how strange it was for two Salvation Army employees to use physical 'gangster posing' to try to menace me. That incident did lead to creation of some paper claiming I had supposedly been disrespectful to the mental health specialist. The girl had been caught selling ecstasy pills and had been told that if she cooperated she would get a break. She pretend cooperated but was then told the 'break she would get' part was a 'just kidding' thing and they were going to recommend five years in prison, evidently because she was a young black woman. Some time after detoxing, several weeks or a little more, she was in the newspaper for getting sentenced to five years.

The 'mental health specialist' was in the paper too for helping some politicians slide a generous chunk of money to the Salvation Army after Clitheroe shut down. Those legislative proceedings, and his testimony, are on a few pages on the left menu, including the "Minutes" page. He went to testify at a legislative hearing as an employee of the Alaska Psychiatric Institute but did not mention in the hearing that he was also a Salvation Army employee, and that made it easy for those politicians to use his testimony as an API employee to quietly slide the money to his other employer, the Salvation Army.

Another big issue in my employment problems was Naltrexone. A government agency that deals with drug abuse has lots of free circulars, and I ordered a large quantity to put on the circular rack, using an email I created for that purpose. As it turned out Naltrexone is a forbidden topic at Clitheroe, probably because it interferes with the evangelical agenda. Naltrexone actually does work for a lot of people. The Salvation Army rehab had a very low success rate except among people who were admitted even though they did not have any addiction. For example the guy who admitted he did not drink usually, but had gotten drunk once and gotten a DWI. He was 'connected' so the Salvation Army agreed to pretend he was an alcoholic and 'treat' him even though he admitted he had only drunk alcohol a few times in his life.

There's nothing wrong with using treatment as a way to evangelize but a number of clients were at death's door due to alcoholism and stood to gain nothing from evangelical silliness but may have benefitted from something like Naltrexone.

I'm not a Burmese refugee who doesn't speak English though, so I made a website and filed a complaint with some organization. Within a day, less than 24 hours, of receiving the complaint, they shut down the Detox unit, claiming nursing shortages and funding problems. The clients were evicted with no advance notice. They had been admitting patients until right before they closed. 

There was nothing too serious put on the website. The worst thing was probably the turning away of patients when we had state funded beds empty, in order to generate turnaway sheets which are used to solicit increases in funding.

What the Salvation Army was worried about, the real reason they shut down, probably had to do with two client lists they kept, the COAL or 'conditions of admittance' list and the DNA or 'do not admit' list. They knew it would have been easy to take those lists, along with turnaway sheets, and then list related obituaries, and they would have had a much bigger problem.

That was not done though. Those lists were on all the Detox computers, as well as the network drive and were not the only very sensitive things on them.

The fact that most people who were banned did not know they were banned, along with the fact that most banned people were simply people somebody in Clitheroe didn't like, were other, lesser, issues.

Drug and alcohol treatment centers have always been a lucrative scam

As is reflected on the website I am very anti drug abuse aside from alcohol and tobacco.

Except opium too which I like a lot. Smoking natural opium is beneficial in a lot of ways and has a lot of uses.

Synthetic opiates are toxic trash. Natural opium is illegal and difficult to obtain in the United States. I've only used it in a place where it was legal. In the Indian state of Orissa there were government stores that sold hashish and opium in the 90s. Synthetic opiates, as well as refined derivatives like morphine, are easily available in the United States, and completely legal if you have a pain management expert procuring them for you, but they are not pleasant like natural opium.

Unlike the opiates easily available in the U.S., smoking natural opium leads to zero deaths, because a person falls asleep before they smoke a lethal amount. While asleep a person has powerful vivid dreams that are of interest to them if they are interested in psychology.

Synthetic opiates and concentrated derivatives like morphine kill about 100,000 people a year in the U.S., mostly very young people. The type of person who uses opiates is often a headache for melting pot leaders, and it's very likely that steering young people to lethal chemicals instead of harmless natural plants is part of a strategic 'population management' strategy. 

Peyote buttons are another exception. They are an interesting experience, and a person should be careful where they are illegal.

One interesting side note. An experiment anybody can try.

1) Ask somebody to make a list of the ten best and ten worst smells, tastes etc they can come up with.

2) Have them taste raw opium. Most people will put it on the ten worst near the top.

3) Have them smell opium smoke. Most people will put it on the ten best near the top, often at the top.

4) Have them taste peyote tea, boiled water with peyote. Almost anybody would put it on the ten worst at the very top.


This was about 8 years after Tony passed through the rehab