
This is a melting pot archetype related to several other archetypes, and timely because of things in the news in Utah.

A recent Netflix documentary 'Girl in the Picture' provides information about a specific case over a few generations which helps uncover details. 

Another multi generational story in the news because of events in Utah is "Paperdolls'. 

It isn't clear if the current Utah news is just beginning or just ending, but it is based on past accusations of 'Satanic cult' type activities. 

The Netflix movie presents a sort of developmental story in improper sequence so it's not immediately clear to most people how the past events evolved into the 'current' story being covered, but putting the events in proper sequence makes clear that the antagonist or villain of the story was using his various victims to construct, in his mind, natural foundations which he did not have. For example he lacked a mother so he 'psychologically' started with what he saw as the building block and constructed one using assumed authority over others.

An interesting aspect of the case is that the killer was abused extensively as a child and then went on to abuse children, before eventually creating a very rough foundation which substituted for what he did not have.

There are a few forks in that story which make an interesting comparison to more conventional, less detailed, stories in the news.

Some tangents which a person could see from the main story include

  1. The 'Satanic cult' is something perceived/projected by an individual who cannot assemble what they know into one 'villain' because it doesn't add up to a possible 'single complete person'. For example if you were going to say "x person was in California at such and such precise moment" and "x person was also in Utah at the same such moment" eventually you would need to say there are two people your "x person" represents, even if the two are connected.
  2. A specific person acts through patterns, or archetypes which represent a lot of historical information, so any individual drama is a compressed version of that history. In other words as much as people want to construct a villain to project difficulties onto, the villain is actually the one resolving a common history, even if that resolution is incorrect or unsupportable. They are reducing down to the individual a group solution which otherwise is not available, even if their solution is not correct.




In Progress