

Latter stages of a windowed white van. 

Notice the logo for a popular 'serial killer documentary' site on Youtube is a white windowless van

Another "white van police" video where the "white van" person is studied by another type of police. 


As an archetype in popular culture, white vans are a sort of diseased womb projected into the public sphere for the benefit of a narrow interest within the melting pot. For more on the archetype see "The Doll House" in the archetypes section.

White van people, and their secrecy, are a part of industrial conditioning, colonial training.

The Gilgo Beach murders are a string of unsolved murders in which the bodies were found in one small area of Long Island.

It's often theorized the Gilgo killer or killers may be a cop or group of cops.

Around the same time those bodies were found, a group of bodies in Atlantic City was found and connected to the Gilgo murders. 

Witnesses said a white van may have been involved in the murders, but media knows to downplay that, since white vans are associated with law enforcement.

"The hotel managers said that the man they described had spent time with a man from the area who is believed to drive a white van, the type of vehicle some prostitutes on Pacific Avenue say might have been involved in the killings. 


When an individual has control fantasies it usually isn't that big a deal.

But when a group of individuals with control fantasies run the law enforcement apparatus of a country, and spend billions of dollars of public money enforcing their fantasies on a captive public, it is a big deal.

What kind of a person specifically wants to drive a white van? Typically it is a person who needs to control others, or wants to be controlled by others. This page will eventually try to answer the question from a psychological perspective.

Shortly after this page was written, a neighbor I've only known a few months parked a white van between his house and where I live. This gives an opportunity to analyze some 'white van psychology', since I know the context.

When I first met him I was carrying something heavy and did not feel like stopping and chatting. I was not trying to be rude, I was carrying something heavy.

The next morning there were some dog droppings that were laid in front of my mailbox.

The message seemed to be 'Pretend to be friendly or pay the price', a common sort of 'neighbor relationship' in melting pots.

A few weeks after the dog droppings, he called and said he wanted to plant flowers around my mailbox if I didn't object. I said 'fine'. He planted flashy flowers and put a set of antlers on the ground in between the flowers. It's not something a person like him would do, which is the first clue.

Then, a few weeks later, I made a comment that he took offense at and the white van was parked between the houses shortly after that.

White van people have a few things in common, which overlap with the perceived authority many 'law enforcers' feel they have, and which explains why law enforcers frequently use white vans as a way to project their imaginary authority using the resources provided for them to work.

This 'white van' personality starts with overt physical control, harassment, intimidation etc as necessary to an individual's identity. Something in their background, their upbringing, conditioned them to relate in a transactional way. Others are given a choice, "Comply with my/our will, or be punished". 

The NYPD union boss personifies that well enough. Some people would say he was spanked too much as a child, others would say not enough.

Then it evolves into more of a group thing, personified by the federal agents who arrested him, and who like bombastic white vans rather than bombastic rhetoric.

One further interesting aspect of the 'white police rape van' psychology is the feminine element in it, closely related to the Doll House archetype discussed on its own page. 

Typically white vans are used, in popular culture, by either 'serial killer' types or by police. But police who use white vans have a specific type of relationship with female authority figures.

The neighbor on the other side is a very decent person. He stopped by once and, like the neighbor who asked if he could plant flowers around the mailbox, offered something unusual in a way that does not fit his personality, and clearly originated with a woman.

Both of those neighbors have big signs on their lawns saying something like "We like black people", and neither of the men is one to put up a sign like that, except under duress.

The antlers on the ground near the newly flowered mail box are a feminine touch that reeks of a woman who spent a lot of time reading Aleister Crowley as an adolescent, then 'matured' to pop psych.

Very nice people, great neighbors, but hopefully I will get the means to move on soon.

Gabby Petito seems to have bought a white van for psychological reasons related to the confusing transactional relationships which some abused people feel they need. It may be related to the 'false wilderness' discussed on another page. 


Here is a video about the origin of the 'white van' aura. 

Going back to at least the 1970s white vans were used by serial killers in Texas to abduct boys 

and girls. 


"There are certain things that set off a red flag in the back of your mind, such as a white van without windows. Why shouldn’t it, after all? Isn’t this the trademark of pedophiles and murderers everywhere?" 

The vast majority of white police rape vans, whether used by police, or private serial killers / rapists, do have windows of course.


Natascha Kampush, Jayce Dugard and many other child abduction victims were kidnapped by predators who used white vans.

Serial killers Dean Corll, Arthur Ream, Bradley Robert Edwards, Charles Gary Sullivan, Ted Bundy, Gary Michael Hilton and many others used a white van while abducting victims. The 'Grim Sleeper' used a white van with blue trim. The 'Zebra murders' were committed by a group of four serial killers in a white van.

Even in other countries white vans are the vehicle of choice for those in that profession. Levi Bellfield and Robert Black lured victims into their white vans in Britain.

What is the psychology behind a person's use of a white van?

Years ago police started using white vans for projects like surveillance.

White vans are ubiquitous, many businesses use them, so years ago they were a way for cops to watch people discreetly.

Most police know that white vans are often used by their colleagues, so they may hesitate to pull over a speeding white van. Less experienced cops may not know that. 

Some police manuals from the 1970s explicitly say that white vans should be used for surveillance projects because they are fairly common. Reference to that fact has been made in books written by cops involved in corruption, and any cop from that era who was aware of crooked cops, Frank Serpico, Robert Leuci, or any other of the many that have gone public will tell that to any person who asks.

White vans are commonly associated with police, including 'rogue' cops, but on Google they show up associated with crime too.

If you search "white van" on Google, one of the top suggested completions is "white van kidnapping", but most people over 30 know that white vans are associated with police.

Google appears to have deliberately removed search completions connecting police and white vans from its search engine. 

Today many people are aware that police use white vans, so they are not as commonly used for real 'criminal' surveillance.

Instead they are often used to harass people and, as the name suggests, sometimes individual police officers use them to commit rapes and other crimes.

Anybody can watch videos of the recent protests in the U.S. and count the unusual number of white vans around the protests. Go to Youtube and search for protest videos that show traffic around the protest, count the white vans as a percentage of traffic, then do the same for non protest scenes.

The protestors know who are in the vans, and they know the purpose is intimidation, harassment. The police are basically hiding behind legitimate users of service vans, e.g. delivery vehicles etc, the same way a gunman might hide behind children. Occasionally there are references to this, for example real service van drivers complaining about police 'hiding' behind them.

As discussed elsewhere, policing is not an archetypal occupation.

It is not a healthy function in society to have 1,000,000 people, e.g. in the United States, whose job is to control people under guise of 'we are protecting you'. The vast majority of police in the U.S. will never have real cause to draw their gun, much less shoot it. There simply are not enough real criminals for them to live out their fantasy. So trying to coax people into violence is one strategy for creating criminals which will let the police play 'pretend hero'. That kind of strategy always backfires of course, and police are starting to pay a price for strategies like that.

Notice the reference to the white van by the ex cop in the following video, at about the 10 minute point. 'A human sized oven, a house in the middle of nowhere and a white van'. 

That individual became a cop for the same reason most cops become cops, he liked the feeling of power.

The only thing that distinguished him from most cops is that he did not fit in with them. Most cops who have had that job more than a week know that his sense of humor is common among cops, and he would have been safe in his job if he had actually followed through on some of what he was pretending i.e., if he proved to other cops that his sense of humor was based on real perversions rather than trying to fit in.

A cop cannot say "The job makes me feel powerful". He or she has to say something like "I like helping people", then they have to discreetly prove to their colleagues that they are predators pretending to have decent motives, like most of their colleagues. There are countless real 'help somebody' jobs. If somebody wants to help people they do not become a cop. Nobody has ever become a cop because they want to help people, but the necessity to pretend that motive is so important that most cops are promoted or fired almost entirely on their ability to pretend that motive. In many cases the group mystique is so strong that they believe their motives are 'selfless'.

Motives are easily hidden when a person joins a gang, and the vast majority of cops do not understand their own motives.

Although that ex cop's claimed 'fetishes' are quite a bit different than the average person's, policing encourages and rewards people who really do have motives like that.

Almost all of the 'chat' quotes cited on that video are obviously meant as jokes, a group of guys seeing who can pee furthest, they are also no different than the jokes anybody involved in most other unnatural melting pot occupations are drawn to.

In that case, notice that the white rape van is the only real world connection between that individual and his 'fetish'. He lists three things that 'did not exist', but one of those things, the 'white rape van', was his tenuous connection to his real world power, and it was real, even if not a specific part of his policing job.

Every police officer has their 'white van', their symbol of unnatural power which disconnects them from non police.

Here are some more examples from the public realm

Netflix heavily uses footage of white vans in its crime documentaries and certain other categories of its films. In some of its documentaries the majority of vehicles it portrays prominently are white police rape vans. In some cases it uses the exact same footage in several documentaries on completely different subjects. The footage in the Netflix series 'Rotten' series one, episode six, about the fishing industry, uses a clip of a white van at 21 minutes 38 seconds that they also use in crime documentaries.

Another interesting example is the NetFlix documentary on Nigeria "Journey of an African Colony". The entire series uses white police rape vans in an unusual way, an interesting example which seems to sum up the use is at Season 1, episode 3 starting at about 33 minutes 50 seconds.

Watching that same scene a little longer it leads to a discussion of a Nigeria which has separate 'towns' of white and indigenous people, then an interview by a black male host with a British female. Conquest initially involved eliminating a local population to get its land. Today though, at least for the moment, there are no easy ways to utterly depopulate an area for conquest. A fair guess is that these 'white van scenes' are a propagandist's attempt to psychologically push society toward melting pot outposts in colonized areas. A person curious to research it might try to find out if NetFlix documentaries are available in other countries. NetFlix almost certainly has received some sort of British or U.S. funding, or other consideration, and its likely part of that would be invested in pushing their films in other countries.

These scenes are so common in NetFlix movies that they are clearly deliberate, and they appear to be promoting some sort of support for the broader colonial views which underlie the colonial Western worldview, but it is still a mystery why exactly Netflix does this. Is NetFlix working for some country or organization to produce 21st century propaganda which slides under the conscious perception of most viewers? Seems unlikely but governments have a history of similar programs. 

Those examples mostly involve the U.S. and the CIA, but many other countries have done, and still do, similar manipulative operations. NetFlix is a U.S. corporation, so if they are being used as a propaganda outlet then it would be a U.S. / British project, anybody living in a different place should be able to find examples in their own country.

1) Netflix has a series called 'Filthy Rich, Jeffrey Epstein.'

The series looks like a clever propaganda piece. It gives no new information, but tries to present itself as an expose of sorts. Some time in the future that series will be shown in colleges as an example of a type of 21st century propaganda used to sanitize events which reflect poorly on powerful officials. One of the warning signs in this type of propaganda is the white police rape van. Watch episode two in particular and pay attention to when and where 'the white police rape van' appears.

The purpose of the series is to shift responsibility for flaws in the Epstein case which resulted from corruption, and to minimize the risk of additional loose ends in the official narrative. Notice the scene at 26:30 in episode 4, of a white garbage truck driving between the viewers and the U.S. capitol building. Like the amateur German propaganda of WWII, which was cutting edge in the 1930s and 1940s, this Netflix series will be dissected eventually by propaganda students. It is inconceivable that the film was not made with some U.S. government funds.

In this series, the 'government' i.e., people in positions of power, are very subtly 'let off the hook' using symbolism in a way that most people won't notice, then the white van is presented as a power symbol of 'law enforcement' slightly under the conscious perception of many viewers.

Doing this in a series about Epstein is brazen, but probably effective.

2) The Keepers, Netflix, season 1, episode 1

43:20 The former Baltimore detective is in his vehicle. The woman is trying to get more info about a police coverup involving a young woman's murder.

43:25 A white fleetpro service van pulls up on the other side of the detective's car.

43:45 Somebody gets out of the white service van.

44:24 The white van is gone.

45:01 The van is back again.

Aside from sloppy editing by Netflix, the detective had stopped in a place outside of traffic, so the chances of a white van appearing, and needing to park right there, yet again, in yet another Netflix documentary about people challenging police abuse, does not look coincidental.

Is Fleetpro the kind of company that would lend itself to plastic wannabe 'law enforcers' who spend their time surveilling due to their lack of any skills aside from driving?

The number two 'qualification' listed by the founder and president Thomas Farcosky on his bio is "Vietnam 1967-1969". You can imagine him pretending the Vietcong are there in the DC area and he is ready to protect his country. 

One of his receptionists left the following review on a job review site.

"When I woke up! I go turn on my reception desk with 3 compuetrs! I load all programs I am needing! After i open receptionist log to fill it! I provide any kind information to other departments like bridge, restaraunt, engine as well as i provide information to people who needs a support I am solving their problems by contacting techinicians department + give them information what they want! It is my whole day job! I was an officer with 2 stars and leader of muster station! I directed my crew 12 people how they should act during drills!"

Two stars? A muster station? Drills? Yes sir, we have white vans you can use. The U.S. will eventually be safe from the Vietcong. 

Most, or perhaps all, Netflix documentaries which involve police corruption feature white police rape vans prominently.

Season 1, episode 3 of the same series. What is the first vehicle that episode shows?

There are groups which help people in extreme situations. The police are not one of those groups, even though that is the specific thing they are paid to do. Policing is built around taking away peoples' abilities to defend themselves, then stepping in and pretending to save them.

There is no doubt that Netflix would try to portray their decision to put white police rape vans throughout their 'crooked cop' documentaries as something that has some noble goal. But the original motive of whoever ultimately pushed Netflix in that direction is simply to empower police at the expense of their victims and the general public.

There are more indications that Netflix's goal is to hinder the investigation of crooked cops and sabotage those who are a potential threat to those corrupt cops. Notice in The Keepers documentary season 1, episode 4, at 5 minutes 12 seconds.

3) Netflix 'Conversation With a Killer, The Ted Bundy Tapes

Season 1, episode 2 at about the 1 minute mark mentions women hitch hiking, then shows two women getting in a white police style rape van.

Whoever runs Netflix is obviously using the white police rape van across all 'cop/criminal' documentaries for reasons having to do with the public perception of that type vehicle.

An interesting thing about Ted Bundy is that although he was never a police officer, he is the type of personality attracted to that job and probably would have become a successful police officer at some point. One of the ways he abducted women was to identify himself as a police officer and at try to handcuff the woman. He drove a VW Bug, but probably would have driven a white van if he though it would be less conspicuous. His crimes occurred just as police were beginning to use white vans but they were not yet common.

Oh, no

Shortly after writing the last paragraph, I watched season1, episode 4.

At 39 minutes on that episode Ted Bundy is now using a white van.

4) Netflix 'Natascha Kampusch, The Whole Story' is about a Viennese girl abducted on her way to school, and held for ten years

Abducted by a person in a white van. That was Austria, 1998, a time when Europe was being heavily indoctrinated with U.S. and British symbols. A person could wonder if the kidnapper was 'trying to be a cop'.

5) Of course

"The men then took Schanda Handley to the garage and forced her inside the back of a white van." 



The people behind these projects undoubtedly believe they are doing good, or helping 'their' people, and it's possible that in the very short term these deceptions may give a little land or power which they might not have gotten otherwise, but the net effect is simply an increase in some future violence against that broader society which got the short term gains. If the colonizing powers could be sure of utterly eliminating, exterminating, indigenous populations with this targeted propaganda then it might be a sensible strategic move in strictly ethnic terms, but then another problem arises. The British, and their derivative societies like the U.S. and Australia, are no longer the growing edge of the melting pot. China is taking over that function, and eventually indigenous Americans will replace China. So all that these efforts are ultimately doing is paving the way for a more rapid strengthening of China against weakened tribal entities, at the same time that Britain derived societies lose strategic power.

Watching the "Journey of an African Colony" documentary referenced above leads the mild  'NetFlix conspiracy' into a broader effort. Notice the references in that documentary to 'Nigerian amalgamation', then Google the phrase "amalgamation Nigeria".

Amalgamation is an English word with an interesting history, and its use in this colonial context has been, and is, clearly being promoted for psychological reasons. Amalgamation is a specific type of mixture which has many historical subtexts in the English language. When gold miners have some sort of crude mix of materials that contain tiny amounts of gold which are hard to retrieve, they add mercury to the mix. Mercury amalgamates with only a few substances, including gold. So putting mercury into the dirty mix will create a new mixture which appears homogenous, and allows the recovery of the gold from the dirty mix. Once the amalgam is taken from the dirty mix, it is placed over a fire and the mercury burns off, leaving the gold.

Using the word 'amalgamation' gives English speakers who also have knowledge of history and chemistry a way to use the English language to control conversations involving that word, a very powerful factor if those English language conversations are between colonizers and colonized.



In Progress 

Fernando Velazco Cota 

Benjamin Ritchie 

Buford Furrow 

Caruthers Alexander 

Shahidul Ahmed 

William Horncy 

Roy Lee Pippin 

James Franklin Rose 

Timothy Stuart Ring 

Jason Scott Byram 

Larry Jenkins 

Michelle Kehoe 

Mitchell Scott Johnson 

Nordine Amrani 

Gary Chad Thomason 

Daniel Lugo 

Jeffrey Johnson 

Richard Boggs 

Jerry Scott Heidler 

Thomas Hamilton 

Edwin Debrow 

John Linley Frazier 






In Progress