
This page will list possible solutions to the various problems mentioned on the website.

Useful algorithm indigenous language currencies are a focus of this website, and solve a lot of problems, but this page will focus mainly on other things.


1) Economy

Global warming is being dealt with by a consortium of government and private actors through the coming global lockdown, and the upcoming viral wars, but their solution necessarily will create lots of economic turmoil and consequently urban issues like crime. Regardless a person’s politics, nobody should have to spend the bulk of their energy defending against malicious government or private entities. In any technological society the vast majority of problems, including crime, flow from poverty.

The ‘Universal Basic Income’ or UBI promoted by a candidate in the last election would partially solve this.

There are a few different kinds of UBI.

1) Free money with strings. This is the most common. Free cash with poorly hidden strings which overtly try to pay people not to commit crimes, and to obey some group that has control of funding.

2) Free money without strings. This leads to more civilized development, but has to be done properly. Scandinavia famously tries to depoliticize economics, but they create dependence in order to preserve their melting pot.

3) Free goods and services with/without strings. Variations of the first two. Of course in a melting pot the ‘original’ commodity which pre exists food and other commodities in the minds of meltingpotheads is money, cash.


In Progress


2) Homelessness

Retail office space is vacant at a high rate due to Covid, and once the BioWars ramp up, a lot more commercial space will empty. Homeless people could lease ‘offices’ in which they could sleep, sort of like Japanese micro hotels. There would have to be a little screening so paranoid meth addicts weren’t in offices adjacent to PTSD Iraq vets, and simple rules would be needed until the people got better housing.


3) There has always been a complex mix of motives among people in the oil industry.

One of the big ruses has been the ability, at any time, of people in that industry to quietly claim they were 'fighting global warming' by keeping oil prices unnaturally high via oil wars. The truth, of course, is that the oil industry's power has always led to an increase in consumption of carbon producing fuels, and a decrease in more responsible energy use. Sort of like the mafia guys who buy food for some people and kill others. As long as they can control the information that is public they can appear benevolent.

This has been perpetuated in the same way 'law enforcement' at the federal level in melting pots perpetuates its authority, i.e., by creating a cadre of young people in need of guidance who are willing to pick up any flag in exchange for a patron, a mentor. 

Government in melting pots i.e., the federalizing power of non indigenous inhabitants of melting pots, has a lot of possible paths it could take. The normal path, as in the United States, for example, is the simple power grab.

An alternative common sense way would be to use government for things that naturally do need to be federalized at a particular moment.

In Europe there has always been a fairly high tax on petrol products. In other words, Europe has quietly acknowledged a responsibility to reduce consumption of those products, at the slight expense of some industrial expansion, while acknowledging it did not have the political power to interfere with the oil consortium.

The United States though has always pushed its own industrialization with no regard for global issues and while completely ignoring efforts in other regions.

Breaking the oil consortium, then encouraging high regional taxation on oil consumption, would quickly push the world to more sensible energy sources, along with encouraging more research on new energy etc.


4) Newspaper online subscriptions 

Nobody actually subscribes to online newspapers, and online news sites that block 'non subscribers' lose market share eventually.

A wide open solution is for a company to bundle several sites into a subscription. Many people would subscribe to 10 online newspapers for the price of 1 or 2 newspapers. A business that offered a Chinese menu of news site options at a cheap price could get participating news sites to replace their 'hope you enjoyed your free articles, bye now' page with their page.


5) "The jury must lay out in detail its reasoning for its decisions within 90 days. The rationale would then form the basis for any appeal." Would solve a lot of issues in the U.S. system. 


In Progress