
Pages that might get written in the future


1) Detective John James Mulligan was a cop who was killed in Boston in 1993.

He has a hero page at the Officer down site. 

He was also featured in a Netflix documentary called Trial 4. 

A few things are ignored though.

Aside from him being a crooked cop, it's obvious that there were a lot more crooked cops around him then the two who were eventually fired.

Worse, there are indications that the federal investigators who claimed to be investigating him were actually covering for him, and knew the wrong person was arrested for killing him.

That leads to the obvious question, Who did kill him?

Boston police and federal investigators knew another corruption scandal was approaching. There were a lot of slick crooked cops, people who knew how to cover themselves, but Mulligan was not in that group. He was a not too bright crooked cop, a simple gangster working with a lot of complex gangster cops.

Was his death a foreshadowing of cases like that of Baltimore Police detective Sean Suiter? 

One of the most ridiculous parts of the Netflix documentary is Mulligan's partner and the police chief claiming that they are shocked by comments that he was corrupt. When a group of cops are running a long term money making operation they almost always pay off officers above them. Corrupt cops cannot operate for long unless they share the wealth.

In general, this case is like the Zodiac killer case in that there is enough evidence against enough people that several unrelated groups of people could be convicted by U.S. legal standards. 

The police, aside from being corrupt, are incompetent. And their overseers are federal cops who are more corrupt, but also more competent at hiding their corruption.

There is clearly not enough evidence presented to convict anybody. It's possible Ellis was guilty, but the most obvious scenario is suggested in the video and the site.

1) He had a fiance who admits she found out he was sleeping with several other women. In her police interview she doesn't downplay the number of women, which suggests she was preparing to defend herself against accusations she was the killer.

2) The .25 is an important piece of evidence of course. The police claim Ellis's girlfriend said they had that gun and the 9mm from the detective. They either did or they didn't. Did the police fabricate that story and then bury the guns near Ellis's apartment?

3) The video says some people said Mulligan kept a .25 in an ankle holster. A cop would give something like a .25 to his fiance if she asked for a gun and he was sleeping with other women. There doesn't seem to be any question asking her if she had a gun. Mulligan might carry a hot gun, since he was known to be crooked, but any gun he gave to his fiance would have a good history.

The evidence seems to point to his fiance, but Ellis could be guilty, there just is not enough evidence either way.

2) It's very possible that in a few years Iran will be making regular military trips to the Americas

Their ships are not directed by simple Iranian people living on the street. 

Although people indigenous to the Americas are 'Asian' by descent, once the U.S. is forced to defend European economic interests against indigenous interests there will be a plethora of non Asian states lining up to ally with indigenous American peoples.

Iran will have a special use to these interests simply for the psychological effect of having Iranian bases of operation in the West.

One of many future traps the U.S. is constructing for itself.

3) Every generation is stupid until they are smart

One constant throughout modern history has been that the U.S. strategy against indigenous peoples in the Americas has always evolved rapidly. There are a lot of Western European interests in the Americas that evolve quickly because the threat to them from indigenous political power is so severe.

El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras have endured a lot of extermination campaigns arranged by European interests, in the form of the United States, against indigenous groups. 

And there is no doubt whatsoever that the United States is aggressively involved in protecting its interests by preventing accountability for the military regimes it used. 

At the moment El Salvador has a leader who appears to be running for president of the U.S. 

It isn't clear exactly how the United States installed him, but it is clear that his installers will use him to start the next indigenous extermination campaign, and that they have operations prepared to extend the campaign across the region.

Is the U.S. intrusion in El Salvador confusing yet? 

"During the war years (1980–1992), the United States, independently from USAID funds, funded the right-wing death squad government at the tune of more than a million dollars a day — something the United States has rarely acknowledged and never apologized for." 

It looks like the usual 'mafia' ruse, the U.S. using naive young people in USAID to sanitize its image in indigenous areas.

This page will eventually examine leaders throughout the Americas and speculate on the tactics which might be used in the 21st century to keep indigenous people in line.

4) Google's efforts to misdirect the development of artificial intelligence is not clever, but it will be effective

Computers are designed to do 'human' work at a faster speed, providing results a human would not be capable of. No person could add hundreds of 20 digit numbers in less than a second, for example.

When digital currencies came out it immediately became clear that a new stage in ai had been started. Coins like Huntercoin caused a lot of buzz among people interested in ai.

Shortly after bitcoin started, Google began a campaign to misdirect the public. 

This campaign, ironically, will be defended by U.S. government assets and resources.

Ironic because, although in the short term this project will benefit industrialized Western powers, in the long term it is something which will dramatically shift power away from the West. Developing countries will ride over industrialized countries once the shift starts. That is part of the reason countries like China and Russia are cooperating with Google's fake ai effort. That, in itself, is not necessarily good or bad but for the broader effect of slowing the development of real ai, and misleading the public into focusing on a silly objective. 

Anybody who read Asimov and Bradbury as a child knows the roadmap, more or less.

5) A big part of successful colonization is eliminating a tribal worldview and replacing it with 'a new normal'.

Tribal societies that have fully consolidated do not have industrial jails nor professional police, obviously.

But jails and police are tools used to get one culture to gradually surrender its worldview and assimilate to a more 'powerful', more weaponized worldview.

Once a tribal population reaches a certain size, it develops specialized skills among its members to solve problems, and some 'unknown' skill develops to solve, properly, those problems similar to the ones solved improperly in a melting pot.

Tribes whose leadership has surrendered, or 'pretend surrendered', to a colonizing power, to survive a colonial extermination process, will imitate their conquerors, and their failings at imitating their conqueror will be portrayed, incredibly, as further evidence of the superiority of the colonizing entity. 

6) Another common tactic is to create fake leaders who are set up to fail

Barack Obama was a good example of somebody put in a position which required utter subservience to established power, but allowed that established power to camouflage itself behind him. Simpler folk imagined that Obama's election was a sign that black people, and by extension their cultural worldview, had become empowered. Of course the United States is such a hodgepodge that many people don't know their primary root, it's common to refer to black people as white, or white people as black, or sun tanned people as asian.

Cathy Wood appears to be another example. She had a stellar run as an exchange traded fund manager, and became the most successful etf manager, out of hundreds, recently.

Looking at her opinions on certain matters though, she appears to be in a position similar to Obama. She does not seem to actually have abilities that would have led her to the success she had, and it's possible, or likely, she was set up as a political role model for progressives and women the way Obama was for progressives and blacks.

An example is her recent statement that saw deflation as a more likely scenario than inflation. Very much a contrarian view, since even the Europeans have been urging money printing, it looks like she got that 'opinion' from somebody who did not give her enough information to explain it. Like somebody who cheats on a test and is then asked to give a speech about their answer.

In other words it's fine to have a contrarian opinion, but if your explanation for that opinion is an off the cuff rehash of talking points from some other irrelevant issue then it will look like your advisors should be the ones explaining your opinions.

So where would her advisors have gotten their 'deflationary' views from?

It looks like they looked at points in past cycles, such as 2008, and then decided that the fed would respond by tightening money once inflation became visible, and that would lead to a 'real' contraction to displace the artificial and cyclically meaningless 'covid contraction'. 

Are they right? One day before this number came out the fed had hinted at tapering asset purchases. Most likely their 'strategy' is to temper markets by giving comments that will move them a bit, or prevent them from moving in this case, but obviously there has to be some real strategy they are hiding. Their entire strategy cannot consist of all bluff with nothing behind it.

Since inflation looks like the smartest solution, in other words pumping money to stimulate the economy is probably smarter than hiring millions of police to control hungry people, a person has to guess that there is a solution behind the feds bluff, and that Ms Wood's advisors do not know what it is, or they used her to get people who follow 'her opinion' to keep their eyes off inflation a little longer, just as Obama was used to distract progressives into fantasizing that 'things are changing'.

7) The Netflix series The Keepers will probably get its own page eventually

The Documentary series covers a lot of interesting parallels between police and priests, but leaves out the specific functions those melting pot jobs have. 

One of the interesting themes the series dances around is the progression of abuse by 'priests', with the Catholic school being at one step, and the progression at each step from 'priest' to 'law enforcer' being vaguely alluded to in some way.

The series starts with heterosexual abuse by one specific priest, then, at the end of the series, mentions homosexual abuse by the same priest which preceded the heterosexual abuse. In other words the Netflix series presented them in reverse order though it did mention the dates.

This is interesting because it 'personifies' the church, or individual abusive priests, as either following a developmental path or as modifying their taste in 'targets' depending how a person wants to view it. Of course people project onto, or personify, groups.

The 'normal' progression of religious abuse in colonization is typically homosexual first, then heterosexual, then a change in the 'enforcement entity' which conducts the abuse. This is a sort of parallel to normal human psychological development except for the ages involved. For example in 'normal' psychology the 'homosexual' step is not sexual because it occurs before a person becomes sexual, and the heterosexual step is not typically focused on overpowering, or imposing a worldview, by virtue of authority.

8) The usual propaganda which precedes a ramp up in policing a population has been starting to become sillier

A person should pay attention to which specific writers and news sites are being used by the propagandists.

Gabriel Schoenfeld, The New York Times

"But consider an opposing view. By leaking the secret study, Mr. Ellsberg was engaged in nothing less than an assault on democracy itself. 

Ben Bradlee jr, The New Yorker

"But the death, in January, of Neil Sheehan, the Times reporter to whom Ellsberg leaked the papers, brought new revelations, which have altered the heroic narrative surrounding the historic leak. 

Stephen Engelberg, ProPublica

"We know the government lied about Vietnam. But should the reporter who published the Pentagon Papers have lied to his source? 

These, and similar articles, are trying to sway opinion by pretending some trivial issues suddenly change the narrative surrounding a whistleblower leak, and that by extension the underlying leak was less justified, or even disreputable.

Notice Ben Bradlee senior's legacy. 

9) Goodbye oil, hello crypto and gold 

Corruption in crypto and commodities is likely to be much more severe than it was with oil, but at least there will be more public interest in it, if for no other reason than it's influence on investment decisions.

10) Netflix has a lot of documentaries on all sort of false confession type cases

Almost all of them are in the category of people trying to build a career or gain something professionally by pretending to interview a criminal.

One interview is in a different category though. A Mormon book dealer falsified some historical books and counterfeited various documents to make money. The Netflix documentary has an interview with him which, although not very insightful, involved an interviewer actually trying to get facts. It's common for people to be curious about unusual motives, and the interviewer was stepping out on a mild limb to try to figure out what was behind the motive of blowing up business partners and counterfeiting documents.

Many of the false confession interviews involve an interviewer trying to imitate the style and genuineness of that interviewer's curiosity, but they never quite arrive, for the simple reason that the Utah bombing interviewer was acting on individual motives while nearly all other interviewers act on group motives which they camouflage as individual motives.

Police, including interrogators, are entirely group creatures, they lack any significant individual identity except a superficial veneer, a sliver of personality trying to use the group to build their 'self' into a whole person.

At some point a page will be made putting those types of interviews on a continuum, and pointing out the effects on society of the 'typical' interview.

11) 'The banality of evil' is a cliche nobody seems to understand

ba·nal /bəˈnäl,bəˈnal/

adjective / "so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring."

Netflix's 'Ted Bundy Tapes season 1 episode 4 at about 50 minutes starts a silly segment with the FBI pretending to have found a new kind of killer.

One of the interesting mistakes involves an FBI agent who interviewed Bundy and says that by the time the interview ended "They trusted me". They who? Right before that he had been explaining how he overcame Bundy's resistance by saying honestly that he would flip the switch on the electric chair if given the job. Bundy then said "Finally an honest person. I'll tell the truth now", and the FBI person basked in his keen skill.

It is mind boggling that an individual so stupid could get a full time job that does not involve a pallet jack, but he was a top FBI employee.

This subject, the notion that 'crime' involves a long deviant path which is unrelated to non criminal activity is the normal attitude in melting pots, part of the enforced stupidity.

The death penalty is an excellent example of 'the banality of evil'. Most reasonably ethical adults do not support the death penalty, but do support killing when necessary. In a case where some people want to kill a prisoner for something that prisoner has done in the past, those people actually are wanting to pretend that they are simply late to the crime. Sort of like the guy who attacked a stuffed lion because he wanted vengeance for somebody killed by a lion. They are saying "I would have killed the prisoner if I had been there, but I wasn't, so I'll vote for killing the prisoner now."

Killing somebody as they commit a crime, in order to prevent or stop the crime is not a noble act, it's simply a proper act, something that isn't especially positive nor negative.

But waiting til after the crime is committed and then saying 'Okay, time to kill', is negative, trivial.

In Bundy's case his psychology is not a mystery. Men who are raised with a certain kind of male father figure tend to get excited by violence, or confuse sex and violence. Bundy did not know who his actual father was, so he had a violent father figure and an unknown father, which let his imagination then create a path that would make sense.

So the choice was between killing him to pretend that the 'state' is just late to the murder and is squaring it now, or publicizing the warning signs in a person like that and looking for an awareness that would reduce that kind of semi arbitrary violence.

12) Atif Rafay and Sebastien Burns were convicted of murder through a ruse by the RCMP and FBI, evidently in promotion of a dubious 'counter terror' project.

Netflix made a series about this case but neglected some important things.

The video mentions that the FBI knew who the real killers were, and that they were associated with a so called 'Radical Muslim' group which the FBI of course devoted vast resources to penetrating.

What is largely ignored is the FBI and RCMP's motive in convicting two people they knew were not involved, and in drawing out the case cleverly for years.

This page will look at public information about that group, and try to burn the FBI projects which depended on their framing innocent people so they could gain leverage for their 'undercover' employees in that group.

The amount of resources expended on the Canadian operation were out of all proportion to the case, and it's virtually certain that a person can find 'terrorism' cases several years after the Washington murder which were built partially around leverage an FBI agent got by pretending to be a Muslim terror sympathizer with connections in the police department.

13) Many countries are several decades behind the U.S. in policing 

This page will give clues about the evolution of corruption in professions like law enforcement.

14) Can a parent be accused of 'abducting' their own child?

Who are they abducting the child from?

Even in Mississippi nobody believes the police version of events in that story.

15) Comedy or Tragedy?

For many decades, at least since the 1980s, there have been warnings that water would be the next oil, that wars would be fought over water soon, and that the Western U.S. would have problems.

Nobody really paid attention then, and nothing was done.

But now?

Nobody is really paying attention and nothing is being done, still. 

Is it confusing? Funny? Tragic?

16) Ted Bundy, Karla Homolka, Luka Magnotta & the 'Gay Map'

Watching the documentary 'Don't F*ck With Cats', a person has to notice some unusual similarities between Ted Bundy and Luka Magnotta with regard to their use of objects like cars. Bundy described one of his girlfriends in terms of the type of car she had, among other things.**k_with_Cats:_Hunting_an_Internet_Killer 

This page will try to work backwards from the public images of those two characters and detail where and why they diverged. 

This page will probably eventually go in a 'banality of evil' section and include an analysis of the moral outrage of the 'hunters' in the DFWC video. Their 'anger' is a sort of noise which people use to push responsibility away from themselves.

What both Bundy and Magnotta did was to simply 'slow down' their view of an aspect of society which was problematic to them. The progression of Magnotta's videos makes it clear he is 'artistically imitating' something about the society he lives in, but he is slowing it down so it is visible. People who are looking for a way to deflect their own responsibility for what he is detailing will make loud noises as they point to him, as if he arose on his own, the result of some 'evil' which he has created rather than described.

Neither Bundy nor Magnotta are doing anything new, they are simply imitating, playing roles and doing it a little more deliberately / slowly than most people, but the public trips over itself to say 'they are not imitating me nor anything I know, they are a new evil'.

DFWC Season 1, episode 2 at 32 minutes, the police are pounding on at least two doors at the home of Luka Magnotta's mother. Her first response call the police.

17) According to CNBC the 'war on drugs' has failed. But has it? 

This page will look at new ways to spend money to fight drug use. Things like surgically attaching a drug test machine to all humans, then giving them an electric jolt if they use drugs. The estimated cost of that program would be 763 billion dollars a year. But should we be putting a price tag on things that might save lives?

18) "The mindless discipline of human nature"

A biologist uses that phrase within the first two minutes of a Netflix documentary called 'Human Nature', a film about CRISPR technology. 

The problem with the phrase, and more generally with 'cutting edge' type science, is that people often work with a flawed understanding of how sciences evolve.

This would be a complicated page if it gets written, but basically a person cannot get from 'one fact' to 'a more comprehensive fact' unless they change the worldview which lies under the first fact.

So, for example, Einstein developed 'a comprehensive system or worldview' if a person chews their food exactly as he did, or, he developed 'something less impressive which could have been forked at any point, from its first deduction' if a person wants to be more accurate. The simple truth is that Einstein needed money so he started a fraud that will not be exposed for generations.

Any time a worldview is piled into by too many people it necessarily becomes unbalanced, 'perceptions' among that crowd with a similar worldview necessarily leads to what appears to be 'a reaction from nature', a counterbalancing effect.

So, starting with the initial quote, a group of people try to add 'their mind' to a process which they are sure they are smarter than.

Hilarity, necessarily, ensues.

Very similar to 'experimental vs observational' behaviorism, the masses of people in genetic sciences are taught that they are a new master race which are no longer quiet hunters, but noisy musicians whose banging on kettles is 'brilliance'. 

19) Netflix's 'The Last Days', and how the holocaust went south

'The Last Days' is a NetFlix documentary about some Hungarian Jews' experiences during the holocaust.

In the immediate aftermath of WWII there was a lot of effort by the Allies to magnify themselves and minimize the losers of that war. Up until at least the 1970s there were some holocaust stories which were widely told in the media which were not entirely accurate, such as widespread use of human skin to make lampshades.

Anybody who was alive at that time knew plenty of people who had numbers tattooed, and who had first hand stories that were real. The lampshade type stories were meant for general public consumption, part of what Norman Finkelstein later called 'The Holocaust Industry'. 

This Netflix documentary is an interesting mix of fact and fiction, probably 95% fact and 5% fiction. 

The obvious problem was when the stories shifted from things a person heard from people who were there to public relations fodder for 'the industry'.

The most exaggerated part though is not the small lies told by some people who were there, and who were incentivized by Spielberg's marketing attempt. Worse were the attempts by some people to discredit the factuality of the actual killing based on people who exaggerated. Then one step worse than that was the industry Finkelstein describes which incentivized marketing tools.

In any industry there are some people who will take shortcuts to get a little extra payoff, and the holocaust industry is no exception.  Many or most people will exaggerate on their resume in order to get a small benefit. Why would anybody not lie when recounting wartime experiences to get a much bigger benefit?

Anybody who is interested can find hard facts, but anybody can also find plenty of fiction too, in any profitable story people tell about themselves.

When one group studies another group, and there is no prize for exaggerating, facts are usually accurate or understated. The United States does not make a lot of noise about indigenous tribes it has exterminated, and those tribes certainly aren't out publicly recounting their histories. Are those exterminations less worth a Netflix series, just because there is no industry?

20) Dream/Killer is another Netflix crime documentary

Hard to know whether to classify it as a comedy instead, but it is useful because it shows a combination of police enhancing somebody's memory of a crime they didn't commit, then using that enhanced memory to get a confession from another person who was also not involved in the murder. Policing is an industry and every day 24/7 there are literally tens of thousands of people who are in captivity because of errors by police. Some estimates put the number of wrongfully incarcerated people at 90,000 or more.

Very few countries have a total jail population that even approaches the number of wrongfully convicted, currently incarcerated people in the U.S. In other words the U.S. has more innocent people in jail than most countries have guilty, and the number one violent offender against U.S. citizens is the U.S. legal system.

In the Dream/Killer case there was no physical evidence and no reliable interview evidence. The only possible real evidence in the case was an eyewitness who was very sober and saw the killers.

Because neither the defense lawyer nor the prosecutor were interested in the truth. The prosecutor had asked that witness, who had drawn composites, whether the composite drawings were of the people who had been arrested. She said that she was sure they were not, so he did not ask her that when she testified at the trial. The defense lawyer did not want to walk into a possible trap, so he didn't ask either. The prosecutor then brought a less reliable witness in who was willing to say the two accused were the guilty.

21) The bar for diplomacy has been lowered again and again

But really should a country seize the website of another country's official media outlets just because it can? 

The United States is not known for promoting truth.

Iran may not be Norway, but obviously there is something it's media outlets say which is threatening to countries which oppose free speech, like the U.S.

22) The big problem with Chinese force assimilating Uyghurs is that they are acting much more mildly than the U.S. acts in similar situations

People in the U.S. know that if push comes to shove and the U.S. starts a real media war over Chinese expansion, the Chinese will win.

As things are, how can the United States criticize China? It's like Jack the Ripper criticizing Charles Manson.

The United States has no intention of returning sovereignty to American indigenous people, and in fact if indigenous people in the Americas become rebellious the U.S. will come down on them far harder than the Chinese have on Tibetans, Uyghurs etc.

The U.S. has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of indigenous in Latin America under various pretexts in the last 50 years.

China has imprisoned hundreds of thousands for the crime of not being Chinese.

A similar issue is the U.S. constantly complaining about China spying on networks. 

A lot of formerly secret info has come out that the United States and Britain had been intercepting the bulk of global communications to spy on anybody they could spy on.

The Chinese did not do that. Britain and the U.S. did.

Do facts matter? 

The U.S. has long had a policy of conquering indigenous people, impoverishing them, then giving them money to join the U.S. army.

How can the U.S. complain when China does the same sleaziness? 

23) Tribes used to be much more diverse than they are now 

The world has been on a rapid path to one ethnicity in modern human history 

As long as there is competition for second place this will probably continue. 

24) Very interesting to watch how the public is being gradually reintroduced to bioweapons 

A widely cited C Auris study last year pushed the issue to the extreme, deliberately inducing resistant strains to develop very fast for research purposes. Were they trying to force the public to get smart?







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