
Salvation Army Clitheroe

... behind closed doors.
January 3, 2008
 This computer is physically  located at the Salvation Army administrative headquarters in Anchorage.
It makes constant hits on image files without downloading any html pages.
This computer was the website's number one visitor in November and December.

Now they are trying to stay off the stat pages.
They won't know about this page til one of the other Directors tells them about this visit.

Advice: Look at the text only version of google caches.

IP Location: United States United States Torrance Level 3 Communications Inc
Resolve Host:
IP Address: 
Blacklist Status: Clear

Whois Record

OrgName:    Level 3 Communications, Inc. 
OrgID:      LVLT
Address:    1025 Eldorado Blvd.
City:       Broomfield
StateProv:  CO
PostalCode: 80021
Country:    US
Http Code: 304 Date: Jan 03 16:38:33 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: -
Referer: -
Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)
Http Code: 304 Date: Jan 03 16:45:01 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: -
Referer: -
Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)
Http Code: 304 Date: Jan 03 17:59:34 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: -
Referer: -
Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)
Http Code: 304 Date: Jan 03 18:31:07 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: -
Referer: -
Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)
Http Code: 304 Date: Jan 03 23:23:10 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: -
Referer: -
Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)
(code 304 means image has not changed since previous hit)