
One common theme in wrongful convictions is people within the legal system justifying their mistakes after they are exposed.

One of the attractions of working within a gang like ‘the police’ is that you have a powerful group who can not only help hide mistakes, but also justify those mistakes, make them appear as if they were not mistakes.

The bottom line though is that if a person is being paid to enforce laws, and they feel that it is okay to imprison people on a whim, they should do that to themselves and their fellow law enforcement employees who feel that way.

Imposing gang justice perversions on random strangers is like forcing people to comb their hair a certain way because you have the power to force that. If you support a certain kind of hair style then do that to your own hair.

When a person is exonerated, some common responses from law enforcers are

1) The exonerated person might have committed other crimes they did not get caught for, so falsely accusing and convicting them is actually right.


2) The exonerated person is probably guilty, even though outsiders say otherwise, because there is secret evidence the outsiders don’t know about.


3) The exonerated person was a street person with no future and putting him or her in prison guided them to a better future, even if they were not guilty of that crime.


4) The authorities did everything properly, but some third party forced them to convict an innocent person.

 Here is an article in today’s news. The person reporting the story tries to minimize any responsibility the police and prosecutors might have, but a brief look at the facts shows that they had abundant evidence they were prosecuting the wrong person. The ridiculous part is that the media is trying to support the corrupt officials.

5) The authorities needed to arrest somebody to prove that they were competent and show 'the power' of the legal system.

Here is a case in which there seems to be literally no evidence. Even the prosecution seems to have admitted there was no evidence. They appear to have said to the jury something along the lines of 'Please convict this person even though there is no evidence', and the jury complied. 


In Progress

